Many people think that there’s no point in photographing property in the winter. But here at Property Image Services, we don’t agree. Yes, it’s nice when all the flowers are out and the sun is shining but what people are really interested in, is the property as a whole, and although we often imagine that they are examine every last detail when looking at the photos online, in fact most people are just looking at the size of the rooms, the fittings, the overall appearance of the property etc. So the lack of flowers, or an overcast sky isn’t going to put them off.
Also, we can brighten up images. So, even if they are taken on a dull day, we can enhance the sky and tweak the exposure & warmth so reduce the effect of a cold winters day. Here’s an example:

So – even if the weather is poor – even when it is raining (although it’s not much fun for us!), we can still usually obtain decent images. So don’t let the winter season put you off. Happy Property Renting & Selling, and Happy Christmas for 2019. See you in 2020.
Mark & Sara at Property Image Services
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